
  • UUIDv4: Version 4 UUID, always in the long form with dashes
  • string: a regular string
  • number: a regular floating point json number
  • Money: an object containing numbers major, minor, minor_in_major, a string for the symbol and a bool is_negative
  • Object: an object whose contents arent clearly defined
  • timestamp: an iso8601 timestamp encoded as a string, like "2023-01-01T10:10:00Z". always in UTC
  • boolean: true or false
  • Position: a position of a Transaction, contains an optional id as UUIDv4, amount as Money and an optional comment as string? and tag_id as UUIDv4?


Types can have suffixes that give additional info.

  • ?: this value is optional. can be null
  • []: this is an array