Manage Your Finances.

Go Dukatia.

Dukatia is your finance planner.
Track your spending, manage your assets and set smarter budgets.
Run it in Docker and access it from any web browser!


Dukatia fulfills all your needs while not overwhelming you.
Your customizable dashboard shows you just what you need.


Log your transactions and add metadata like recipients, accounts, assets and tags to get better insights into your spending habits.


Set yourself a budget to plan how you want to spend your money.


Track your financial assets to get an overview over your investments.

Multiple Accounts

Track your spending across all of your accounts.

Powerful Tagging

Tags don't just stand on their own - they can also have a parent. This lets you define a tree-like structure for all your tagging needs.

Multiple Currencies

You have a bank account in a foreign currency? No problem! You can also define your own custom currencies.

Customizable Dashboards

With the Dashboard editor you can build the Dashboards you want. This allows you to get a quick overview over the data you need.

Self-hosted & Open-Source

Your financial data tells a lot about you, so keep it safe! Dukatia is fully self-hosted and doesn't send your sensitive data to the cloud.

Dukatia Is Just for You …

… if you want to easily manage your finances.
… if you outgrew your Excel spreadsheet.
… if you search for a self-hosted, private finance planner.
… if you like to customize your user experience.
… if you are a bit tech-savvy and willing to self-host.

Go Dukatia!

Installing Dukatia isn't hard. We'll show you how it's done. Alternatively, have a look at the live demo before deciding!